Work History
Personal Information
Some Publications
Some training and conferences
Some Technical Reports

Prof. Prince Ofori Amponsah



A results-oriented leader and academic with 15 years of experience in Ghana's mineral sector, driving organizational growth through strategic planning and execution. As a skilled Site Manager and academician, I effectively manage projects from inception to completion, prioritizing safety, compliance, and efficient resource utilization. I have expertise in blueprinting, budgeting, and team leadership ensures projects consistently meet deadlines and benchmarks.


years of professional experience

Work History

Lecturer to Associate Professor

University of Ghana
09.2016 - Current
  • Teach and research in structural Geology, Economic Geology, Igneous and Metamorphic Geology and Geology of Africa
  • Has published over 33 Scopus index journal publications
  • Has supervised 4 PhD students, 27 master’s students and a number of honours student

Exploration Manager

Azumah Resources Ghana Limited
08.2019 - Current

Ensure safe working environment and requires safe practices for geologist, geo-technicians and drilling contractors.

❖ Formulation and implementation of a wide range exploration program to generated and identify targets and evaluate potential gold targets. Design drilling programs (from soils to Diamond drilling) for near mine pit targets as well as regional targets. Negotiated and managed all drilling related contracts.

❖ Managed staff strength of 60 persons and 150 casual workers to complete exploration programs for the company from August 2012 to present. Define Greenfield targets areas to support the proposed Kunche and Bepkong open pit mines. Liaised with CSA Global Pty, to manage the access database (including data validation and quality control and quality assurance) of the company. Managed and coordinated all ongoing exploration activity of the company. Supervised, directed and trained 25 junior geologists, 10 technicians and up to 5 drill rigs and their 24/7 rotating crew.

❖ Logging geological drill core and interpreted and created a 3D geological model.

Tenement and Site Manager

Azumah Resources Limited
01.2022 - Current
  • Managed 18 tenements and 2 mining leases, handling all correspondence with Mincom.
  • Represented the company at Exploration Group meetings at the Ghana Chamber of Mines.
  • Attended exploration-related meetings with government and stakeholders.
  • Ensured compliance with mining acts and statutory tenement reporting.
  • Developed and maintained databases and systems for managing statutory commitments and obligations.
  • Monitored legislative amendments affecting tenement applications, management, and retention.
  • Managed and supported administrative matters.
  • Maintained a register of communications with government bodies.
  • Oversaw tenement acquisition.


ER Giveback Foundation LBG
09.2022 - Current
  • Be responsible for the overall management of the ERGBF.
  • Arrange, call for, and chair all meetings.
  • Be a signatory to the ERGBF account, and all other ERGBF documentation.
  • Represent the ERGBF in other stakeholder meetings, or delegate other officials to act on his behalf.
  • Be responsible for appointing other officers whom he deems fit for the smooth administration of the foundation.
  • Be responsible for mediating and restoring calmness when issues arise in the ERGBF.
  • Be responsible for seeking funding and partners for the aim of the ERGBF.

Project Geologist

SM Global, Sarl
10.2011 - 08.2012
  • Aborle and Ibi Palga gold project, Burkina Faso, 2011
  • Mineral exploration, large scale drill out and resources modelling for the project for Volta Mining
  • Structural control on gold mineralization in the area mainly through geological mapping
  • Farda Gourma Gold Project, Burkina Faso, 2011
  • Mineral Exploration, large scale drill out and GIS resources modelling for Riedel Resources
  • Hermakounou and Kolodjiaba Gold Project, Mali, 2011
  • Competent person visits and supervision of geological activities on site for SMGlobal Sarl

Lead Geologist

KAM Associates (For Sky Alliance Resource Inc.)
08.2011 - 10.2011
  • As a principal geologist working for KAM Associate consulting for Sky Alliance Resources Inc
  • In Guniea on their Forecariah Iron Ore project, I provided a lead technical review and project management for the project
  • Prioritized targets and planned drill programs to increase their resource
  • Interpretation of aeromagnetic data (automatic gain control, IVD, 2VD, Reduce to the equator, reduce to pole), Landsat satellite SRTM image and geophysical survey data interpretation
  • Planning - geological mapping, grab sampling, planning of drill holes
  • Data interpretation and presentation – Data appraisal and map preparation, utilizing Microsoft Office and MapInfo/Discover softwares
  • Report Writing - Exploration work program and final report

Research and Graduate Assistant

University of Ghana
08.2010 - 08.2011
  • I was responsible for teaching and organizing tutorials for undergraduate and graduate geology students studying structural geology, Exploration methods, Igneous and metamorphic petrology, Geochemistry, Sedimentology and Paleontology
  • I also supervised graduate students during their geological field mapping projects

Exploration Geologist

Geological Management Consultancy
01.2010 - 05.2010
  • Geological mapping and geochemical soil sampling of the Kamba and Quessa concession for Diamond cement
  • Report writing-weekly and monthly report

National Service Personnel

University of Ghana
06.2008 - 07.2009
  • Was a teaching assistant in the Geology Department University of Ghana
  • I was responsible for organizing tutorials for undergraduate students

Junior Geologist

Caracal Gold
06.2008 - 09.2008
  • Responsible for geological mapping and generate first pass gold target, also supervised geochemical soil sampling program

Field Assistant

Summabee Plant Limited/Quick Silver Limited
01.2006 - 06.2008
  • Assisting in geological mapping of Limestone in Gyakiti and Sedom area in the Voltaian Basin in Ghana
  • Responsible for line cutting and preparing of samples to the laboratory


PhD. - Structural Geology and Metallogeny

University of Toulouse III, Paul Sabatier

MPhil. - Geology

University of Ghana

BSc. - Geology

University of Ghana


  • Leadership
  • Strategic planning
  • Communication
  • Financial Acumen
  • Visionary leadership
  • Innovative

Personal Information

  • Date of Birth: 04/12/85
  • Nationality: Ghanaian
  • Marital Status: Married
  • P.O. Box MP2587, Mamprobi-Accra


  • Society of Economic Geologist - Fellow
  • American Association of Petroleum Geologist (University of Ghana Chapter) - Member
  • Society of Exploration Geophysics (University of Ghana Chapter) - Member
  • Geological Society of Africa - Member
  • Society of Petroleum Exploration - Member
  • Canadian Tectonic Group - Member
  • Tectask (IUGS) - Member
  • Ghana Institute of Geoscience - Member
  • Member Commonwealth Hall, University of Ghana
  • Hall Tutor- Jubilee Hall, University of Ghana

Some Publications

  • Crustal-scale transcurrent shearing in the Paleoproterozoic Sefwi-Sunyani-Comoé region, West Africa, Jessell, M. W., Amponsah, P. O., Baratoux, L., Asiedu, D. K., Loh, G. K., Ganne, J., Precambrian Research, 212-213, 155-168, 2012,
  • Geology and geochemistry of shear hosted Julie gold deposit, NW Ghana, Amponsah, P. O., Salvi, S., Béziat, D., Jessell, M., Siebenaller, L., Baratoux, L., Journal of African Earth Science, 112, 505-523, 2015,
  • The Bepkong gold deposit, Northwestern Ghana, Amponsah, P. O., Salvi, S., Béziat, D., Baratoux, L., Siebenaller, L., Nude, P.M., Nyarko, R.S., Jessell, M., Ore geology reviews, 78, 718-723, 2016,
  • The Shear related gold mineralization in NW Ghana: Julie deposit, Salvi, S., Amponsah, P.O., Siebenaller, L., Béziat, D., Baratoux, L., Jessell, M., Ore Geology Reviews, 78, 712-717, 2016, 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2015.08.008
  • 3-D numerical modelling of the influence of pre-existing faults and boundary conditions on the distribution of deformation: example of North-Western Ghana, Feng, X., Amponsah, P. O., Martin, R., Ganne, J., Jessell, M.W., Precambrian Research, 274, 161-179, 2016,
  • Effects of strain-weakening on the Oligocene-Miocene self-organisation of the Australian-Pacific plate boundary fault in Southern New Zealand: Insights from numerical modelling, Feng, X., Jessell, M.W., Amponsah, P.O., Martin, R., Ganne, J., Liu, D., Batt, G.E., Journal of Geodynamics, 100, 130-143, 2016
  • Multistage gold mineralization in the Wa-Lawra belt: The Bepkong deposit, Amponsah, P.O., Salvi, S., Béziat, D., Siebenaller, L., Jessell, M., Nude, P.M., Gyawu, A.E., Journal of African Earth Science, 120, 220-237, 2016,
  • Reservoir rock characterization and diagenetic history of Miocene sandstones in the offshore West Baram delta, Sarawak basin, South China Sea, Ben-Awuah, J., Padmanabhan, E., Amponsah, P.O., Petroleum and Coal, 58, 4, 414-429, 2016
  • Geostatistical analysis of gold multi-element associations using soil geochemical data from Julie belt, Northwest Ghana, Umar, S.U., Nude, P.M., Amponsah, P.O., Haruna, A. I., International Journal of Mathematics and Physical sciences research, 4, 2, 22-32, 2016
  • Two suites of Gabbro in the Buem structural unit, in the Pan-African Dahomeyide orogen, south western Ghana; constrains from new field and geochemical data, Kwayisi, D., Agra, N.A., Dampare, S.B., Asiedu, D.K., Amponsah, P.O., Nude, P.M., Journal of African Earth Science, 129, 45-55, 2017,
  • Structural Evolution of the Dialé-Dalema basin, Kedougou-Kenieba inlier, Eastern Senegal, Famara, D., Ndiaye, P.M., Diene, M., Amponsah, P.O., Ganne, J, Journal of African Earth Science, 129, 923-933, 2017, /10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2017.02.033
  • Role of Volcano-Sedimentary Basins in the Formation of Greenstone-Granitoid Belts in the West African Craton: A Numerical Model, Feng, X., Wang, E., Amponsah, P., Martin, R., Minerals, 8, 2, 73, 2018,

Some training and conferences

  • Canadian Tectonic Group Conference, Okanagan, Penticton, British Columbia, 11/01/10
  • AAPG Imperial Barrel Award for University of Ghana Team in the African Region Competition, 03/01/11
  • Geological Society of Africa Conference, South Africa, 01/01/11
  • Various Mining Indaba, South Africa
  • Various African Down Under conference in Australia
  • WAXI Structural Geophysics Course, Accra, 03/01/11
  • Geological Society of Africa Conference, Ethiopia, 01/01/13
  • SEG-Newmont Lectures, Sunyani-Ghana, 08/01/15
  • WAXI Structural Geophysics Course, 11/01/16
  • WAXI sponsors meeting, Accra, 11/01/17
  • Stgsts conference, Denmark, Western Australia, 11/01/17

Some Technical Reports

  • Environmental impact assessment of the Mallam quarry, Akabzaa, M.T., Amponsah, P.O., Ekuban-Eghan, K., Sapah, Marian, Hammond A.N., 2009, Zoomlion Ghana Limited
  • Geological assessment of Forecharia Iron ore Deposit, Western Guinea, Nude, P.M., Atta-Mensah, K., Amponsah, P.O., Ekuban-Eghan, K., 2011, Sky Alliance Resources Guinea SA (SARG)
  • Nyinahin Bauxite Feasibility report, Amponsah, P.O., Nude, P.M., Amegashie, Agustus., 2016, Exton Cubic Group
  • Environmental Impact assessment report, Amponsah, P.O., 2018, Habilass Resources Limited
  • Environmental impact Assessment study of the Abekoase gold project in the Eastern Region of Ghana, Amponsah, P.O., 2018, Grem Consult for Habilass Resource Limited


  • Prof Thomas Mba Akabzaa, Former Chief Director , Ministry of Energy and Head of Department, University of Ghana, Department of Earth Science,
  • Mr Hector Nyinaku, Azumah Resources Ghana Limited, +233 244 3104075 or +233 264100565,
  • Prof. Mark Jessell, Centre for Exploration Targeting, University of Western Australia, +61 8 6488 5803,
  • Prof. Nana Ama Browne Klutse, Ag. CEO Environmental Protection Agency and Head of Department, Physics Department, University of Ghana



ER Giveback Foundation LBG
09.2022 - Current

Tenement and Site Manager

Azumah Resources Limited
01.2022 - Current

Exploration Manager

Azumah Resources Ghana Limited
08.2019 - Current

Lecturer to Associate Professor

University of Ghana
09.2016 - Current

Project Geologist

SM Global, Sarl
10.2011 - 08.2012

Lead Geologist

KAM Associates (For Sky Alliance Resource Inc.)
08.2011 - 10.2011

Research and Graduate Assistant

University of Ghana
08.2010 - 08.2011

Exploration Geologist

Geological Management Consultancy
01.2010 - 05.2010

National Service Personnel

University of Ghana
06.2008 - 07.2009

Junior Geologist

Caracal Gold
06.2008 - 09.2008

Field Assistant

Summabee Plant Limited/Quick Silver Limited
01.2006 - 06.2008

PhD. - Structural Geology and Metallogeny

University of Toulouse III, Paul Sabatier

MPhil. - Geology

University of Ghana

BSc. - Geology

University of Ghana
Prof. Prince Ofori Amponsah