Skilled multitasker with superior work ethic and good teamwork, problem-solving and organizational skills. Willing to take on any task to help team. Reliable and dedicated team player with hardworking and resourceful approach.
My two biggest passions are music and sports.
I play multiple instruments and write and compose music on my own (I recently published an album), it helps me stay focused and connected with my life and my emotions, guaranteeing me a channeled and balanced way to express my feelings in the best way possible. It will be part of my life forever.
Sports helped me developing self-confidence, discipline and self-control skills which I still recognize as crucial in my everyday life. The one I love more than anything is boxing: before matches I still remember that fear I used to feel, which I learned how to deal with.
It taught me how to stay focused on a task and how to pursue and obtain what I want for me.