Work History




Seasoned international senior consultant with an in-depth understanding of international, regional, sub-regional and national context, culture and processes relevant to agriculture, food systems, nutrition, health, biodiversity, environment, climate change and natural resource management. Exceptional networker, relationship-builder, problem-solver and conflict manager. Demonstrated record of achievement in launching, facilitating and coordinating emerging programmes and platforms, and ensuring meaningful engagement of diverse stakeholders.


years of professional experience

Work History

Biodiversity International Consultant

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations
2023.03 - 2023.12
  • eloped and designed multi-stakeholder consultation process (questionnaire, face-to-face meeting, hybrid meeting, etc.) in the 14 Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs), ensured an inclusive process and dialogue between states (ministry representatives) and non-state actors, i.e., representatives of Indigenous Peoples, smallholders and small scale farmers, fisherfolks, pastoralists, forest dwellers, women and rural youth, and local communities; develop a complete list of stakeholders wit) their potential roles and contributions;
  • Coordinated engagement of internal FAO Biodiversity Mainstreaming Task Force composed of selected FAO-wide senior technical officers during the preparation of the Pacific Action Plan on Biodiversity Mainstreaming across agricultural sectors;
  • Coordinated national and regional consultants for the development of key baseline documents for he multi-stakeholder's consultation process;
  • Organized and facilitated national consultations in the 14 PICTs, prepared the outcome reports and recommendations;
  • Organized and facilitated regional validation workshop and ensured integration of recommendations to the final draft preparation of the Pacific Action Plan; and
  • Prepared he regional synthesis regional report and the project terminal report submitted to the donor.

Biodiversity Mainstreaming Consultant

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations
2019.05 - 2022.03
    • Drafted Information Document on Biodiversity for submission to the Asia-Pacific Regional Conference (APRC), in collaboration with HQ and the Regional Office of Asia and the Pacific Biodiversity Task Force.
    • Initiated the development of capacity building and communication materials on biodiversity mainstreaming by establishing a Letter of Agreements (LoAs) with key partners;
    • Facilitated the RAP Biodiversity Task Force activities, including the finalization of the RAP regional action plan on biodiversity mainstreaming with key actions for 2022/23;
    • Mapped and analyzed all relevant regional actors and processes for biodiversity mainstreaming across agricultural sectors in Asia-Pacific, including FAO-implemented projects related to biodiversity and their total funding volume;
    • Organized and facilitated FAO RAP Biodiversity Task Force meetings, consultations and International Day of Biological Diversity Event;
    • Developed the elements of the Draft Biodiversity Mainstreaming Programme for FAO Asia and the Pacific.
    • Provided technical support and organized regional dialogues in Africa and Asia and the Pacific;
    • Facilitated an internal consultative technical discussions and conducted Stocktaking Exercise illustrating biodiversity mainstreaming in Asia and the Pacific and Africa regions;
    • Presented findings of stocktaking reports and prepared outcome reports of the Multi-stakeholder Dialogue Events (July 2019 in RAP and November 2019 in RAF); and
    • Prepared draft concept notes for Technical Cooperation Programme as follow-up action for RAP and for the CBL programme for the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and and implementation of the FAO Strategy on Biodiversity Mainstreaming.

Integrated Landscape Management Consultant

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations
2021.01 - 2021.06

A joint consultancy arrangement to complement the above assignment in to promote the Integrated Landscape Management and the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.

  • Coordinated and facilitated the ILM Team consultation with the relevant technical officers at the regional, sub-regional and country offices, with an objective of sharing knowledge, identification and agreement on joint collaboration, and preparation of joint events (i.e., Land and Water Days, including preparation of concept notes as an outcome of the above process; and prepared outcome documents and drafted joint project proposals; and
  • Facilitated team planning process for the Mapping exercise and preparation of background documents that enables the Team to identify potential entry points for collaboration and funding opportunities.

Process Facilitator (for FAO Flagship Publication)

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations
2020.02 - 2021.06
  • Reviewed, monitored and updated the time frame for the SOLAW production process based on an updated concept note, taking into account the new modalities of working among contributors amid COVID pandemic.
  • Ensured that all relevant chapter leads, teams, writers, divisions and units, including decentralized offices, are kept informed, and wherever needed involved in the process, with key focal points and contributors on board throughout.
  • Established means of communication and facilitated active engagement through regular interaction among coordination team, Chapter leads/co-leads, writers and partners, and ensured timely delivery of SOLAW related content material (chapter's annotated content, key messages, etc.).
  • Establish a systematic consultation process (face-to-face and virtual) for advisory committee, prepared outcome report and monitored follow-up recommendations.
  • Prepared content and supported the development of dedicated SOLAW website.
  • Monitored arrangements related to hiring and follow up consultants' timely submission of deliverables.
  • Established linkages, relationships and outreach-building from FAO-wide key networks, and developed/maintained a list of key individuals and institutions as contributors for the production of SOLAW 21: (i) advisory committee, (ii) technical contributors, (iii) reviewers of the chapters and the whole book.
  • Coordinated the final publication stage of SOLAW21, in close collaboration with the Office of Communications (OCC), including the systematic external and internal review process from the Editorial Board (comprising the Advisory Committee and Technical Reviewers) and monitoring and integration of reviewer's inputs into the final SOLAW publication ensuring adherence to the FAO rules on FAO publications.
  • Developed and coordinated the conceptualization of SOLAW21 next stage and follow-up including: i) technical content of SOLAW21 website, ii) revamping of the ILM databases with SOLAW data and iv) inputs to the resource mobilization for SOLAW Live.

International Lead Consultant (GEF Project)

FAO And Ministry Of Cooperatives And Agriculture
2017.12 - 2019.12

Project coordination and implementation

  • Led implementation of the project operational framework and strategy (country project work plan, budget and activities) for on Decision Support and Mainstreaming of Sustainable Land Management in Thailand;
  • Ensured regular communication with Project Manager (CBL/HQ) and between the national and international project implementing partners (such as WOCAT), and, when required, represent the project in official meetings;
  • Promoted linkages of the project and other relevant ongoing and planned programmes, projects and initiatives from FAO, donors, Government, and local partners and organizations;

Technical support

  • Supported and coordinated with experts in guiding the Land Development Department and implementing partners in identification of capacity building/training needs of national partner institutions, as well as setting up of the project baseline data and project monitoring system;
  • Facilitated learning exchange and networking amongst SLM practitioners in other Asian countries participating in the global project, as required; and provide support and preparation of final report to global team on follow-up to the Global Meeting on DS SLM held in April 2018 and April 2019;
  • Promoted mainstreaming of project results into sectoral plans and policies and promote SLM selection, demonstration, impact monitoring and progressive upscaling;
  • Organized Regional Forum on DS SLM (to be held in February 2019 in Bangkok) and facilitate learning exchange and networking of SLM practitioners in other Asian countries; and
  • Supported the project in facilitating the design of national SLM processes, awareness raising, strategies and preparation and delivery of final reports of findings and results on the scaling up and mainstreaming of project results into sectoral plans and policies.

Senior Land and Water Consultant

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations
2015.02 - 2017.11
  • Served as the writer for the speeches, key messages and presentations of Divisional senior officers participation at the UN Convention to Combat Desertification Conference of Parties (UNCCD) on themes related to: Integrated Landscape Management (ILM), Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA), Sustainable Land Management (SLM), SLM Decision-Making tools and Land Resource Planning tools, Great Green Wall, Collect Earth, among others;
  • Wrote country-specific briefing notes,and global summary of FAO-TerrAfrica/World Bank/GEF engagements on the TerrAfrica Strategic Investment Portfolio (SIP) Review;
  • Provided technical editing to the five country reports on stocktaking of lessons learned reports for website posting on TerrAfrica and FAO websites;
  • Developed a Concept Note on the TerrAfrica FAO/NEPAD/WB Training Workshop on SLM scaling-up and Integrated Land Management mainstreaming to be planned in 2017 for submission to the TerrAfrica Steering Committee; and prepare the Terminal Report of GCP/GLO/607/WBK for the donor;
  • Conducted in-depth interviews for the Water Platform members among FAO-wide divisional colleagues and prepared a write up of their contribution and inputs relevant to the nexus section of the Water Platform Toolbox template;
  • Solicited inputs from FAO-wide colleagues and prepared a write-up on FAO experience and practices relevant to agriculture sector coping strategies on water scarcity and climate change, and integrate inputs received to the final preparation of the Global Framework on Water Scarcity;
  • Facilitated the process of updating the land and water website with Land Team members; Prepared learning modules with best practices case examples and provided technical inputs to the Survey on Land Resources and Land Use Planning Survey;
  • Coordinated, designed and facilitated the FAO Partners Meeting of the Global Framework for Action on Water Scarcity (19 - 20 April 2017) and ensured acceptance of high-level participation, engaged participation during the meeting, and supervised all communication, outreach and logistics arrangements;
  • Finalized the Outcome Report and ensured follow-up of recommendations, including preparation of concept notes, presentations and relevant documents;
  • Solicited inputs and developed the content of the Water Platform Toolbox, in close collaboration with the FAO-wide members of the Water Platform and RBAs-IFAD and WFP;
  • Co-facilitated and co-organized with co-consultant and in close collaboration with the leaders and facilitators of the Technical Networks (TN Land - Tenure and TN Water) the 3rd Land and Water Days including the preparation of the Programme Agenda, invitation of participants, panelist, presenters and speakers;
  • Coordinated the preparation of the Land and Tenure related session(s) and serve as facilitator for selected sessions during the event;
  • Prepared session reports and drafted the published Final Synthesis Outcome Report of the 3rd L-W Days.; and
  • Provided technical support to establish the FAO Technical Network Land – Tenure, mapped experts, identified gaps of knowledge and/or expertise, developed a Scoping Exercise to set the topics and issues to be covered, and developed a strategic workplan for the Technical Network.

Senior Partnerships Consultant

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations
2009.02 - 2015.12
  • Coordinated the development of FAO's strategic partnerships with Cooperatives and Producer Organizations (POs) and their supporting organizations;
  • Provided strategic guidance on the development of Corporate Policy on how to engage with producer organizations and cooperatives, including design of participatory consultation processes internally and externally;
  • Provided guidance and support in facilitating the participation and enhancing the voice of POs and Coops in FAO Governing Bodies (i.e., FAO Council, Regional Conferences), Technical Committees (i.e., COAG, COFI) and relevant treaties and bodies (i.e, CFS, ITPGRFS); Lead and organize awareness-raising initiatives to promote the agenda of cooperatives and producer organizations in international agenda and fora. This entails liaison with different and relevant FAO Inter-Departmental Working Groups (IDWGs), Rome-Based Agency (RBA) Working Group, COPAC (UNDESA ,ILO, ICA, FAO. WFO) and other external partners;
  • Provided technical guidance and support in consolidating inputs in multi-stakeholder processes and partnerships, as well as ensure farmers-centred focus inputs on thematic guidelines including: Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Land Tenure, Fisheries and Forest in the Context of National Food Security; International Year of Family Farming; UN inter-agency task force on social and solidarity economy; governance; gender and nutrition;
  • Provide technical support in developing joint programmes with key partners (ICA, WFO, COPAC).
  • Coordinated International Year of the Cooperatives (IYC) (2012) follow-up plan including alignment of FAO activities with proposed UN Global Plan of Action on Cooperatives;
  • Supported strengthening of POs and coops representation in FAO internal and external fora and processes;
  • Drafted DG and senior managers speeches and statements; Prepared outcome reports of events and follow up strategy;
  • Coordinated preparation and finalization of the FAO Renewed Strategy for Partnerships with Civil Society;
  • Adviser and Task Force Leader of the project GCP/GLO/294/SPA 'Support to the Strengthening of FAO's Cooperation with Civil Society' specifically on the development of regional civil society platforms, building FAOs knowledge-base on best practices and lessons learned on engagement with civil society and facilitating multi-stakeholder processes, among others;
  • Coordinated recruitment of programme and project staff, and organization of UN civil society focal points meeting.
  • Facilitated the inter-departmental civil society focal points, land tenure, indigenous issues, and alternate focal point for inter-departmental working group on gender and relations with UN system civil society focal points.
  • Coordinated and organized the Director-General-convened consultation meeting held in Bellagio (March 2009) with farmers' organizations and CSOs/NGOs;
  • Provided technical advise on and coordinated civil society participation to the reform process of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) and during the World Summit on Food Secuirty (WSFS) held in November 2009; and
  • Developed concept proposals, two-year workplan and raised funds for Unit's operational work for 2009-10 and 2010-2012.
  • Responsible for implementation of the Immediate Plan of Action (IPA) actitivies in four regional conferences of FAO relevant to civil society consultations and CFS multi-stakeholder side events;

Interim Civil Society Coordinator

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations
2009.07 - 2009.11
  • Served as Interim FAO Civil Society Coordinator responsible for FAO's cooperation with civil society including with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), civil society organizations (CSOs) and with Private Sector.
  • Responsible for overall management and monitoring of the implementation of FAO's Policy and Strategy for both NGOs/CSOs and Private Sector, including the review and update of strategies according to the 2005/06 Evaluation of Partnerships and 2007 Independent External Evaluation (IEE) recommendations.
  • Prepared strategic papers and key assessment documents regarding NGO/CSO participation in FAO policy fora. Organized consultation meetings with NGOs/CSOs and private sector and Civil Society Forum in preparation for the High Level Conference (HLC) on Climate Change, Bioenergy and Food Crisis (June 2008).
  • Supervised the NGO/CSO participation for the Committee on World Food Security(CFS) and provided guidance for FAO staff on their outreach to NGOs/CSOs and private sector.

Gender Consultant

Women Organizing For Change In Agriculture And NRM
2008.12 - 2009.11
  • As the founding Chair, situated WOCAN as a leading international women's organization that ensure participation of women constituency in the UN global fora;
  • Advocated gender perspectives in key regional and global policy-making processes relevant to agriculture, rural development, food security and climate change;
  • Provided strategic advice on WOCAN's advocacy strategy including, mentoring women farmer and rural women leaders in UN processes, partnering them with high level policy makers, professional women and advocacy experts, facilitating joint advocacy efforts with key international women's organizations, FAO and IFAD, providing organizing framework and working modalities for WOCAN's global/regional advocacy efforts, preparing common statements and building coalition and networks to speak with one voice. Conceptualized the establishment of the Network of Women Ministers and Leaders in Agriculture, a WOCAN-facilitated network, in collaboration with IFAD, FAO and Heifer International;
  • Prepared concept proposals and reports for submission to donors which were successfully funded; and
  • Compiled and edited two case studies on Legal Empowerment to Secure the Land Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Marginalised Women's Groups from the Philippines and Cameroon and a Compilation of Best Practices in close consultation with Tebtebba Philippines and WOCAN West Africa partners.

ICARRD Secretariat Coordinator

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations
2005.09 - 2007.10
  • Served as coordinator consultant for the International Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (ICARRD), coordinated country case studies and national thematic dialogue workshops in 30 countries; Provided backstopping support to FAO technical officers, NGO partners, FAO representatives and ministry focal points in all phases of case studies preparation and throughout presentation during ICARRD in Porto Alegre.
  • Provided in-country technical support to the Philippines case studies, participated at the national thematic dialogue workshop, and engaged civil society and highest representation from the government at ICARRD. Coordinated official conference documents, including post-conference knowledge management through documentation and analysis of conference outcomes.
  • Prepared the draft ICARRD outcome report for presentation to the FAO Committee on Food Security and FAO Council by the Secretariat. Coordinated ICARRD follow-up, including working group on indicators on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development and the joint FAO-IFAD-IPC working group.
  • Integrated two approaches and tools developed by FAO: Participatory and Negotiated Territorial Development (PNTD) and the Socio Economic and Gender Analysis (SEAGA) into a Learning Tool for Rural Women and Girls. Integrated inputs and suggestions from internal and external FAO partners on ways to integrate the two approaches and tools. Provided recommendations on how potential users can adapt the Integrated Learning Tool.

Gender Specialist

UN Agencies And NGOs
1993.09 - 2007.10

Held several positions and consultancy with various UN agencies, NGOs and University including:

UNINSTRAW - Gender and migration (Rome, Italy)

WHO - Reproductive Health (Geneva, Switzerland)

UNHCR - Reproductive Health Coordinator for the Great Lakes Region (Goma, DRC)

Women's Environment and Development Organization (New York, USA)

Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) (The Hague, Netherlands)

Columbia University (New York, USA)

Hunter College (New York, USA)

Programme Officer, Advocacy, Gender and Land

International Fund For Agricultural Development
2001.06 - 2005.06
  • Coordinated a global multi-stakeholder partnership programme ' LAND Partnerships ' with goals of achieving participatory dialogue for improved policies on secure access to land and joint priority actions in four pilot countries, Indonesia, Guatemala, Philippines and South Africa.;
  • Led and coordinated ILC advocacy strategy, raised ILC profile, promoted increase of members and partners, capacity building and spaces for dialogues;
  • Led and coordinated ILC gender mainstreaming and advocacy strategies, including developing framework on integrating gender, land and water. Developed and initiated a new programme on collaborative research action on land issues (CALI) in Uganda and Niger;
  • Acted as ILC focal point for Africa-wide regional relations. Strategically elevated the land access agenda in many global and inter-governmental processes and in the Africa region;
  • Designed and launched the Global Land Reporting Initiative which aimed to develop commonly agreed measurable indicators and to monitor governments' commitments on secure access to land;
  • Supervised consultants and interns for programme and mission assignments; and
  • Conducted workshops on participatory consultations, coalition building and regional/national networking among East, West and Southern African regional civil society networks and intergovernmental bodies.


Master of Science - Population & Family Health in Developing Countries

Columbia University School of Public Health
New York, United States

Bachelor of Science - Economics

University of Santo Thomas
Manila, Philippines


  • Coordination, Formulation, Design and Monitoring of Large and Medium-size global, regional and national programmes and projects;
  • Inter-Agency partnership development;
  • Facilitate Dialogue Processes, Large and Complex meetings, Multi-stakeholder Processes (inter-governmental, government, civil society (indigenous peoples, farmers, women, youth), research and private sectors);
  • Development of Strategy and Action Plans; and Knowledge-Sharing Platforms
  • Thematic knowledge: Agriculture, Food Systems, Food Security, Nutrition, Natural Resources Management, Biodiversity and Environment;
  • Research and Analysis of data, problems and issues
  • Conduct of Training Modules, Capacity Building activities, Awareness-Raising Events, Outreach and Campaigns, and other Advocacy efforts;
  • Team Building and Team Management;
  • Promotion of Theory of Change, Transitions and Transformations;


Advanced (C1)
Intermediate (B1)
Intermediate (B1)
Intermediate (B1)
Bilingual or Proficient (C2)


Biodiversity International Consultant

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations
2023.03 - 2023.12

Integrated Landscape Management Consultant

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations
2021.01 - 2021.06

Process Facilitator (for FAO Flagship Publication)

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations
2020.02 - 2021.06

Biodiversity Mainstreaming Consultant

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations
2019.05 - 2022.03

International Lead Consultant (GEF Project)

FAO And Ministry Of Cooperatives And Agriculture
2017.12 - 2019.12

Senior Land and Water Consultant

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations
2015.02 - 2017.11

Interim Civil Society Coordinator

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations
2009.07 - 2009.11

Senior Partnerships Consultant

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations
2009.02 - 2015.12

Gender Consultant

Women Organizing For Change In Agriculture And NRM
2008.12 - 2009.11

ICARRD Secretariat Coordinator

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations
2005.09 - 2007.10

Programme Officer, Advocacy, Gender and Land

International Fund For Agricultural Development
2001.06 - 2005.06

Gender Specialist

UN Agencies And NGOs
1993.09 - 2007.10

Master of Science - Population & Family Health in Developing Countries

Columbia University School of Public Health

Bachelor of Science - Economics

University of Santo Thomas